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Interview with Aurélie Vaux, Hotels Manager

20 novembre 2023
Interview with Aurélie Vaux, Hotels Manager

Chabé, a family business since 1921 and an expert in the bespoke mobility sector, has established itself as a long-standing service provider to luxury hotels. With a view to perpetuating its long-standing relationship with these actors, the Group is proud to welcome Aurélie Vaux as Hotels Manager.

With 20 years of experience in the hotel industry, Aurélie is actively involved in developing customer relations. In this interview, the Group takes a look back at her career path, her motivations and the vision that unites Chabé and its hotels.


Aurélie VAUX

Can you tell us about your previous experience in the hotel industry?

The sales field in which I’ve worked since I started out has given me two areas of expertise: multi-segment sales development and project management.

In my career, I’ve held the positions of Sales Director for a hotel (NH, Concorde) then for a multi-property (B Signature) and group-wide (Millésime). My last role involved representing the brand internationally and defining its positioning through strategic actions with our partners.

Finally, team management, now indirect, has always played a major role in my career.


What attracted you to Chabé and why did you join the Group?

I love the richness of a family business that has stood the test of time. There’s a real history behind the name. It was a constant quest for excellence and an unrivalled knowledge of luxury transport that made me want to join Chabé.

Discovering a sector that is satellite to the hotel industry, with the same high standards of quality and acting as a white label for hotels, is a way for me to keep one foot in the exciting world of hospitality.

Today I’m wearing a different suit, but the fundamentals of the business remain the same.  My commercial and operational skills have been transferred to an exceptional clientele whose codes I know well. Returning to a hotel network that I’m particularly fond of is also an advantage in terms of customer relations.


You have acquired a great deal of experience in the hotel industry. Have you already identified the challenges you expect to face at Chabé?

Mastering each contract and its specific features is essential in order to deliver a bespoke service to the hotel. On this key point, the parameter that changes the game for me is the time factor, because the immediacy of assignments is even more pronounced in the luxury transport environment. Added to this are the challenges posed by external traffic factors and unforeseen events, which we have to deal with constantly in order to anticipate on a daily basis.

One of the hallmarks of our relationship of trust is the longevity of our partners. Some of them have been with us for over 60 years. This longevity is just as significant as it is with our employees. On a less official note, I have a few friends who worked for Chabé 20 years ago and who are still raving about their professional experience. It is the employees of the past and present who remain the company’s best ambassadors.


What is your vision for the development of the long-term relationship between Chabé and the hotels?

Like a beehive, there are many of us working together to ensure the success of our commitments. Our understanding of the challenges faced by each establishment we serve, its organisation, its clientele and its strategy, inspires us to think continuously and inexhaustibly about how we can improve our services. We operate in a microcosm where we have to keep abreast of the latest developments, concepts and openings. Some of our projects abroad may be driven by our customers’ desire to support them on an international level.