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Flora Chaise joins Chabé as CSR Manager

5 octobre 2021
Flora Chaise joins Chabé as CSR Manager

After a Master’s degree in Tourism Management and an experience in the hotel industry, Flora Chaise turned to sustainable development with a Master’s degree in Management and Sustainable Development at ESI Business School.
Before joining Chabé, Flora was in charge of CSR in a car rental company.
This experience led to her joining the Group as CSR Manager on September 1st.


Flora Chaise transport développement durable RSE

Why did you join Chabé as CSR Manager ?

Without hesitation, I would say because of their ambition!
Today, Chabé has no CSR obligations, but there is a real desire on the part of management, embodied by Guillaume Connan, which convinced me of the position’s potential.
The automotive sector has a real impact on the environment, and Chabé wants to become a responsible player in the industry, hoping to have a positive knock-on effect on those who have not yet taken the plunge and to become a reference in the sector.
Creating a full-time CSR manager position in a medium-sized company is already a strong signal. For me, it’s a great challenge to have to meet high expectations on the subject – it is the main motivating factor.

Since taking up your job a little over a month ago, what is your first assessment of Chabé’s commitment to responsibility?

Historically, Chabé was already committed to certain issues such as creating permanent jobs and the quality of its services.
In recent years, Chabé has shown a strong commitment to CSR. Last year, its commitment developed with CSR maturity assessment and the implementation of the first actions such as dematerialization and carbon compensation.
Of course, there are still projects to be carried out, but the impetus has already been created and will continue to evolve.

What will be your main missions?

My role is to bring more structure and follow-up to Chabé’s CSR approach. First of all, we are going to carry out a carbon assessment to better understand Chabé’s major challenges, and establish an action plan based on the results obtained.
We also need to raise awareness among our various stakeholders (employees, chauffeurs, customers and passengers) on the subject, to fully embody this approach.
This will also be an opportunity to register with a general benchmark or an international certification body to highlight our results.

In early 2021, Chabé was the first French company to receive the new EQV. These 4 EQVs were its first 100% electric vans. What about today?

These new 100% electric vehicles have been a real breakthrough for the group. We want to move towards a fleet of low-carbon vehicles and have more than 50% electric vehicles in our fleet by 2022. This will obviously depend on the release of the models concerned, which must remain consistent with the quality level of our services.

Chabé’s commitment to CSR seems to be becoming more and more important in its strategy. Are you thinking of other aspects to develop in the future?

It is true that Chabé has many upcoming projects, which is very motivational, and we already have very positive feedback from different stakeholders, which confirms our willingness to develop our commitment.
At the same time, I would like to work on long-term issues, such as diversity.
The chauffeur’s job is represented by men because historically the job was exclusively dedicated to them, as explained by Frédérike Dupont-Pauchet, HR Director, during an interview on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
Before we can recruit more women, we need to do some real awareness-raising work with this group to encourage more women to join the chauffeur-driven vehicle profession.