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CSR: Chabé awarded a silver medal in this years’ Ecovadis rankings

1 février 2023
CSR: Chabé awarded a silver medal in this years’ Ecovadis rankings

CSR is a pillar of Chabé’ s strategy. For the past few years, the Group’s CSR approach has intensified. Chabé has made it part of the company aims and has included it in its statutes.

This brand-new year is a starting point in the evolution of the Group’s CSR certification by Ecovadis.

But let’s start by asking the following question: what is Ecovadis?

Ecovadis is a worldwide provider of business sustainability ratings which assesses the sustainability performance of a range of French and/or international companies, whatever their industry or size.

The point rating system integrates 4 dimensions, as follows:

  • Environment
  • Social
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable procurement

Ecovadis then weights these 4 dimensions according to the business sector in order to build an overall score.

The certification relies on an overall score (0-100 points) with medals (platinum, gold, silver, bronze) awarded to the best-performing companies.

The certification is of great significance, both for BtoB relations (and especially in selecting suppliers, customers, and providers, among others) and in measuring companies’ social and environmental impact.



This year, Chabé has won the Ecovadis silver medal with an overall score of 61 points out of 100. The company ranks in the top 25 of best-performing companies in all business sectors. If we compare Chabé’s results with those in our industry sector, the Group scored above average in all categories.

Chabé first applied for certification in November 2021 and won a bronze medal. The new medal awarded to the Group highlights the company’s progress in terms of CSR performance and choices.

Find out more about our CSR strategy here.